Highlands Business Partnership
Regular Meeting of the Board of Director's
November 20, 2003
Henry Hudson Regional High School

Executive Session
Carla Cefalo-Braswell (CCB), HBP President, called the non-public portion of the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. There was a meeting quorum for action. In attendance were the following: C. Cefalo-Braswell, J. Cosgrove, J. Naste, M. Kovic, F. Rosiak, A. Parmelee, K. Lustig, AJ Solomon, J. Koenig, and Eddy Sousa.

ACI Contract Renewal
John Koenig gave a subcommittee report of the negations with ACI. Basically the subcommittee renegotiated the same rate with ACI with an increase in percentage on new sponsorship and event sales only. The Board was pleased and reviewed in detail all major points to be changed in contract. Annie Parmelee pointed out that the contract was a boilerplate and did not really cover all points HBP wishes to spell out. The Board moved to retain Parmelee and Parmelee to review contract on our behalf and make necessary changes. The Board voted to accept ACI CONTRACT with changes made by A. Parmelee. The required roll call was as follows: Moved by AJ Solomon, second by Mike Kovic. Roll Call: AJ Solomon – Yes, Mike Kovic – Yes, Eddy Sousa – Yes, CC Braswell – Yes, Jay Cosgrove – Yes, Annie Parmelee – Yes, Kathryn Lustig – Yes, John Naste – Yes, John Koenig – Yes, Fred Rosiak – Yes. All in favor motion carried.

A motion by John Koenig and second by AJ Solomon closed Executive Session, with all in favor the session was closed at 8:27 p.m.

Public Session
Carla Braswell, President, called the public session of the HBP Board of Directors to order at 8:30 p.m.

Meeting attendance: P=present, A=absent

L. Bodnar-Nolan A L. Kochanik A R. O’Neil A E. Sousa P
C. Cefalo-Braswell P J. Koenig P A. Parmelee P J. Urbanski A
J. Cosgrove P M. Kovic P F. Rosiak P F. Rosiak P
M. DuPlantis A K. Lustig P AJ Solomon P J. Wicklund A

50% plus one = quorum (10/17)
Ten (10) in attendance for quorum


Minutes of the September, 2003 Meeting of HBP
Minutes prepared late by CCB as the tape was not usable for too many voices over each other. Minutes were distributed at this meeting for review and a motion was made by John Koenig to accept minutes and second by Mike Kovic. All in favor motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer was absent so CCB provided a financial statement.

Executive Committee – Carla Cefalo-.Braswell
Carla Cefalo-Braswell discussed the attendance of a particular Board member who has not attended one meeting. A letter will be forwarded per the Board’s request to thank him for participating but also to replace his term. Carla mentioned that Scott Biem of Twin Light’s Marina expressed interest. President CCB and VP JK met with an insurance company along with Chairman Fred Rosiak to revisit the idea of medical benefits for HBP members. Fred Rosiak gave report and basically we cannot have medical benefits under HBP umbrella due to requiring 3/4 of the full membership but can form another association. Fred Rosiak will handle through a separate association not through HBP.

Committee Reports
VIC Committee- Loriann Bodnar-Nolan and Nick Evangelista, Committee Co- Chairs
Due to conflicting obligations, Loriann can no longer chair the VIC committee. Carla called for a new chairperson. No one stepped up tot eh plate. A Parmelee suggested asking Joan Wicklund. Nick Evangelista will still maintain the signs and banners for this committee but does not have the time to chair.

Economic Development – Chairman Fred Rosiak
Fred Rosiak gave an overview of the committee’s plan. The committee met with Birdsall engineering firm and they will be forwarding us a proposal for the committee to move forward with.

Marketing/Special Events – Chair Carla Cefalo-Braswell
Carla Cefalo-Braswell gave an overview of a Resort maps Proposal for HBP to have an exclusive map. The Board would like a further presentation made by company at our next meeting.

Business Advocate – Carla asked for permission to add Opt in Email which is an email program to our website which will serve as an electronic newsletter and a way to keep HBP members involved in what is going on. The cost is Approximately $200 per year and should be very beneficial for ACI to use also for keeping people abreast.

Action Items:
Old Business:

New Business:
Carla to seek JCP&L for sponsorship of lights for Memoria Project.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. by a motion from AJ Solomon, second by Annie Parmelee with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting of the HBP Board of Directors is:
January 2004.

Submitted by Carla Cefalo-Braswell, 12/27/03